
The Hurrsh Ved

Hurrsh is a new dimension of awareness and intelligence that enables us to live in a superior state of existence for as long as we want. It is about a new kind of sustained joy, the duration of which is completely under your control. Pronounced ‘hʌrrsh’, the word is derived from the Sanskrit word that means ‘elevating joy’. In this context, it means more than that. The ‘Ved’ denotes the ‘science’, or the methodology behind it.  If you buy one, you get one free.

The methodology is an end-to-end system with a DIY front-end that anyone could apply to pivot their life 360 degrees onto a higher plane. It can be practiced anywhere, anytime and requires no particular skills or changes to your lifestyle. You only need to learn its techniques and controls which have been especially simplified for easy learning. It has eleven fundamental concepts, ten main techniques and a toolkit of fourteen custom tricks applicable under specific conditions and situations of our everyday life in order to win in them. Depending upon the level of mastery, these together work to bring twenty-eight veritable benefits to anyone who aspires to access it. The system comprises of simple techniques that when adopted become powerful tools that enhance the quality of our life as we know it.

It is a long established fact that all living things seek one thing and one thing only, which is, happiness. It is also widely accepted that happiness is a fleeting feeling that cannot be harnessed. That is about to change because Hurrsh is here.  

The primary factor that distinguishes Hurrsh Ved from similar advocacies is that it not only tells us what to do, but also tells us the how and the why of it complete with custom regimen for each individual aspirant based on their unique Chetas Samyog (Psyche Mosaic) and suitable to their unique PI (Psychogenic Inclination) Band, consisting of techniques and tools specially designed for designated use under specific conditions during the million situations that arise in their life.

Hurrsh teaches us to gain joy from exactly what we do, anywhere or anytime, in the middle of our daily routine or out of it. It teaches us to recognize two irreconcilable forces in anything and everything around us before they gain enough power to clash and bring calamity. It teaches us some secrets to avoid every schism, however small or big, before they unleash destruction into your life and beyond your control. As a species, we may not have had all the faculties to harmonize happiness until now, but now we do. Welcome to HURRSH.

And no, you needn’t go to a mountain to find it. Neither do you need to twist yourself into a pretzel or learn to levitate. Just chill. Hurrsh can be applied and played like a game in real life. It lets you win in most scenarios it is applied to. The first step is to understand your Psychogenic Mosaic and derive at your PI value. Thereafter the system prescribes a regimen to guide you to Hurrsh. 

How does the System Work?

The front-end of Hurrsh is a simple DIY apparatus that you will be able to use the way you like once you learn how to use it. At the back-end, it works based on the fundamental concepts and tools of Hurrsh Ved. We have detailed Hurrsh Ved under different headings for ease of your navigation and understanding. Select from any of the below buttons to jump to the first area you would like to explore:

Hurrsh Methodology
How Hurrsh Works
Proposed Services

Get Your Free RAPI Score - The First Step

The first step is always the hardest, so we made it free for you

As part of a limited period Awareness Campaign, we are providing the Hurrsh RAPI (Raw Average Psychogenic Inclination) Score for free, which would give you a first hand look at how you could apply Hurrsh in your life and begin to reap all its 28 benefits. You will receive the evaluation link to your inbox. On the questionnaire, provide us with a few simple but unbiased answers. As per the Hurrsh Ved, 'Anything that is not forced retains the promise to turn out beautiful.' We are also perfectionists. Hence, one of our experts would diligently evaluate your RAPI and email it to you personally. As we take delight in exceeding your expectations, along with your RAPI, we also add a complete reading of where you are at this point in your life, what life direction you are on and the reason for the current circumstances in your life. It would detail the concepts that are working in your life and what tools and techniques could resolve them. Beyond this step, it is your choice how to proceed. For now, you can just avail your Free RAPI Evaluation:

'Nothing Like It' - The Book

An Introduction to 'HURRSH' - The Indestructible Joy

'Nothing Like It' is the first book about Hurrsh and is currently a work-in-progress nearing completion soon. The book gives an introduction to the methodology, its origin, its techniques, how to use it and what benefits it can bring to us. 

Everyone needs happiness. All of us have experienced it. Our difficulty is in sustaining it. The Hurrsh team shall soon be updating various programs that can impart the Hurrsh Methodology to anyone who wants to enhance the quality of their remaining life.  

The Founder and Author

The book is the first one on Hurrsh from the founder and developer of Hurrsh, Yaami Chirukandoth.  

The work on 'Nothing Like It' the book also began on the 9th of March 2022. It is currently in the final stages of completion. It is a compact first look at something that can enhance your life at multiple levels without making extreme changes to your existing way of living, something you can apply along with exactly what you already do. All updates on the book will be available here.  

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In the book, Hurrsh is described as a unique power that can be harnessed by anyone in order to live in a superior state of existence. For more information, do connect via social media.   

The Backdrop

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The Principle

The Hurrsh Methodology works primarily on the principle of the 'Hurrsh Suchik' (The Hurrsh Index). It uses statistical methods to derive at various values that aid in evaluating, projecting and prescribing customized techniques to every user. A backdrop of cross-discipline studies, research and analyses conducted in various fields ranging from psychology, philosophy, emotional intelligence and behavioral sciences to spiritual sciences form the basis of this fantastic formula for attaining endured harmony of the human mind. 

The Fundamental Principles of Hurrsh

Hurrsh Ved works solely based on its fundamental principles. Most of the techniques of Hurrsh are derived from and work on the basis of them. Some of them are detailed below:
Hurrsh Suchik

The foremost principle of Hurrsh Ved is the Hurrsh Suchik, or the Hurrsh Index. It depicts various values that aid in evaluating, projecting and prescribing customized regimens to every aspirant based on their Raw Average Psychogenic Inclination (RAPI). Algorithms and statistical methods are applied to derive at these values.

Chith Vyoman

Each of us have a unique psychogenic mosaic that decides how near or far we are from achieving Hurrsh. There are 22 Psychogenic Bands identified in the Hurrsh Methodology to evaluate and deriving at custom regimen most suitable to a user. They constitute the Chith Vyoman, or the 360 Degree Psychogenic Spectrum.
Hava Gati

All of us have been born, raised and exposed to random things along our journey in life and continue to live through unique experiences. Our every thought and action directs us in one of two Hava Gati, or Life Directions. Consciously knowing which one we are moving toward every time is the only way we can access Hurrsh.
Chetas Samyog

A combination of our past learning, our new experiences, the triggers and synapses that occur in our brains, how we interpret them, what opinions we form, and how our memory randomly stores information all contribute to varying degrees of six components in our psyche and determines how we behave.

Techniques Applied

How does the Methodology Work?

The methodology of Hurrsh comprises of a set of techniques. They form various programs and regimen that cater to different psychogenic bands. The entire process will involve three broad stages. 

The first stage is the assessment and evaluation of an aspirant’s psychogenic mosaic to identify the respective Hurrsh regimen or program most suitable to their Raw Average Psychogenic Inclination (RAPI). In this stage you will also be able to analyze and evaluate yourself on various parameters and criteria. The second stage is learning how to apply Hurrsh into real-time scenarios in order to achieve optimum results from it. Here you learn how you, as a unique individual in this world, can experience Hurrsh in your life within your unique circumstances. At the end of this stage there is an evaluation to find your Hurrsh Average Psychogenic Inclination (HAPI), to see the progress you have made since starting the program. Once you achieve a positive HAPI score, you are ready for the third and final stage where you harmonize and perfect the techniques of Hurrsh you have learned and already applied into your life, in order to sustain its various benefits in all areas and aspects of your life in the long run.  

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According to your level of mastery and as you practice Hurrsh, you begin to build and rule a highly conscious platform in your mind. This enables you to wield complete power over your thoughts and actions. 

The Game

Once you begin accessing Hurrsh, it works like a game you play in real life. You can win at this game every time as long as you are objective. And when you play it right, you see that nothing around you have any more power to disrupt your happiness. You will be in supreme control of your life. 
Just as you engage a button to discharge your weapon at your opponent in a game, or accelerate your vehicle using a key, or deploy a keyboard shortcut to open your weapon inventory, you use the tools of Hurrsh. Once you start excelling at it, it is a matter of sustaining your high score. The only difference here is that you will be playing the game of life in real-time scenarios that involve you and others. Here you do not pause, take a break, restart the game or have several extra lives to respawn. Hence you need a good level of mastery over the controls of Hurrsh before you can begin to win at it.
Some of the controls you will be applying are described below:  

Dwi May thanks Deep Mind & for the background picture

Shyen Aalok thanks Birger Strahl & for the background picture

Yuj Abhyas thanks Alina Grubnyak & for the background picture

The Multiple Derivatives

EngineeredatHURRSH(1) thanks This is Engineering Raeng & for the background picture

Establishment of broad spectrum well-being in life, self-contained and efficient distress management, overall lifestyle enhancement, clarity in judgement, enhanced focus and concentration, increased cognition and memory are only a few of several outcomes of HURRSH that lead to elevated happiness indices. 

What are the Engineered Derivatives of Hurrsh?

Once you begin practicing Hurrsh, based on your level of mastery over it, you will begin to access 28 benefits in many areas that include health, lifestyle, personality and professional skills. Some of them are given below:
1. Remain in a pleasant state of joyful awareness at all times
2. Make optimum use of all your existing skills and faculties
3. Find new strengths and talents in yourself
4. Make the right choices and decisions in most matters
5. Rejuvenate and train your brain to think smartly
6. Recognize, assess and use the opportunities that come your way
7. Equip yourself to eliminate or solve factors that cause you distress
8. Clearly know what to say, what not to say, what to do and what not to do in every situation
9. Resolve existing conflicts in your mind
10. Rebuild valuable relationships
11. Recognize who or what is genuinely good for you
12. Recognize who or what is harmful to you
13. Make the best of the all the infrastructure available to you
14. Live your remaining life in harmony with your world and environment. 

The Winning Apparatus

The beginning of the Hurrsh learning curve is understanding what Hurrsh is about. Next comes the  decision whether to learn and apply the techniques of Hurrsh or not. If you have nothing to lose in trying, it opens an opportunity to find out what it is about.
Once an aspirant makes the decision to learn and apply Hurrsh, he or she would start the process with the RAPI or Raw Average Psychogenic Inclination Assessment. This is where the assessment results are used to understand the best way he or she could access Hurrsh. This is where vital tools of Hurrsh like the Hurrsh Suchik, the Chith Vyoman (the 360 Degree Psychogenic Spectrum), the Chetas Samyog (Psyche Mosaic) and the Hava Gati (Life Directions) are applied. 

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