How Hurrsh Works

The front-end of the Hurrsh Methodology is a simple DIY system. Practical application of it in real life scenarios comes easy after a few sessions of practice.

At the back end, the system works on a set of algorithms. The techniques have been combined into various programs and regimen to cater to different psychogenic bands. The entire process involves three broad stages. The first is the assessment and evaluation of an aspirant’s psychogenic mosaic to identify the respective Hurrsh regimen or program most suitable to their Raw Average Psychogenic Inclination (RAPI) score. Based on the RAPI score, the system directs a regimen. This is the second stage that involves learning how to apply Hurrsh into real-time scenarios. It includes application of various tools and techniques designed to regain control of most aspects of our life. This regimen is employed over a flexible period until a positive HAPI (Hurrsh Average Psychogenic Inclination) score is achieved. Through the regimen the aspirant begins to regain control of most aspects of their life. Now they are ready for the third and final stage of perfecting the techniques they have learned by deploying them into real life scenarios. After these three stages and according to the level of mastery, an aspirant begins to own Hurrsh and wield its power the way they desire.

The techniques of Hurrsh have been designed to ease the process of learning and adopting them into regular routines in our lives with minimum effort. The Hurrsh Psychogenic Evaluation can also be undertaken to understand a person if you have correct information about their regular behavior. The system gives distorted results if provided with incorrect or vague information.

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